
Sawada Hashimuraは澤田航と橋村雄一が主宰する建築設計事務所です。


Sawada Hashimura is a Tokyo-based architectural practice founded by Wataru Sawada and Yuichi Hashimura.

The basis of the studio is the fascination and faith for atmosphere created by physical construction with a thoughtful process. Our practice is intended to hold that quality and provoke dialogues between people and place.

Our architectural design are driven by critical research process with respects for environmental context, precedents to learn and the potential values of given conditions of the projects.  And the perpetual exploration of materials and construction gives the physical presence to our outcome. We expect that our architecture designed through the process should be tolerant, resourceful and embrace the diversity and liberty of people’s daily life.


澤田 航    |    Wataru Sawada
Central Saint Martins (London, 2007-2008), AA School of Architecture (London, 2008-2011)にて建築を学ぶ。帰国後、能作文徳建築設計事務所に勤務したのち、2015年にSawada Hashimuraを設立。
2016年~2021年 東京藝術大学建築科教育研究助手(北川原温研究室、青木淳研究室)。

Wataru Sawada studied architecture at Central Saint Martins (London, 2007-2008) and AA School of Architecture (London, 2008-2011). He worked for Fuminori Nousaku Architects (Tokyo) before he founded Sawada Hashimura in 2015. He also works as a research associate at Tokyo University of the Arts, department of architecture since 2016.

橋村 雄一    |     Yuichi Hashimura
多摩美術大学 (2004-2008) 、University of East London (2008-2010)にて建築を学んだ後、Tony Fretton Architects (2010-2011)、Carmody Groarke (2012)、新素材研究所 (2013-2018) に勤務。2015年にSawada Hashimuraを設立。
Yuichi Hashimura studied architecture at Tama Art University (2004 - 2008) and University of East London (2008-2010). He worked for Tony Fretton Architects (2010-2011) and Carmody Groarke (2012) in London, and New Material Research Laboratory (2013-2018) in Tokyo. He founded Sawada Hashimura in 2015.


Sawada Hashimura studio 合同会社
東京都知事登録 第62570号

アーバン目黒ビル 6F

Phone: 03  6421  7650

Sawada Hashimura studio LLC
Tokyo architectural office 
registration #62570

6F Urban Meguro Building 
2-8-10 Meguro, Meguro-ku
Tokyo 153-0063

Phone: +81  (0)3  6421  7650

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